
Simple Pricing, No Surprises, Unlimited Potential


  • Suggested Titles

    Generate engaging titles that capture attention

  • Content Writing with Google Context

    Create SEO-friendly content with AI assistance using Google's context

  • Idea Hub: Google Answers Analyzed

    Uncover valuable content ideas from Google Answers

  • Royalty-Free Stock Images

    Elevate your visuals with free images and auto-tagging

  • Text Toolkit Toolbar

    Streamline your writing process with quick edits

  • SEO Issue Identification

    Identify SEO improvement opportunities in your content

  • Basic SEO Optimization and Auto Linking

    Enhance readability with optimized summaries, intros, and tables, plus boost site authority with automatic link suggestions

Book a Demo



Introductory offer - Price locked forever!

  • All Start Plan Features

    Everything in the Free plan, plus:

  • Top Ranked Titles

    Generate engaging titles using insights from top-ranking articles and Google Ads to improve CTR

  • Content Writing with Your Knowledge Base

    Leverage your unique knowledge for truly original content

  • Advanced AI Models

    Access cutting-edge AI like Claude and GPT-4 for superior content

  • Enhanced Idea Hub

    Generate content ideas by answering real questions from Google, Reddit, Quora, and other forums

  • Advanced SEO Optimization Suite

    One-click fixes, whole article optimization, and advanced readability enhancements

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Frequently Asked Questions

Explore our comprehensive FAQ to find quick answers to common inquiries about our Free and Pro plans. If you need further assistance, don't hesitate to contact us for personalized help.